Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bedouin Market Place Al Arish

This next video was taken at the Bedouin Market in Al Arish. Al Arish is along the Mediterranean and the Mediterranean waters are beautiful. Keeping this in mind, we were still entering a city living under third world conditions.
We were only about 50 miles from the Gaza Strip in Israel, and we were all put a little out of our comfort zone (I can't believe Cairo is our comfort zone now, but it is). Al Arish is nothing like Sharm al-Sheikh (Last weekends destination). Sharm al Sheik is where the rich and Europeans go to vacation. Al Arish is where people and families from Cairo go to vacation. So it was unusual for them to see westerners in this predominantly "locals only" city. Nobody was rude to us, however there were a lot of locals giving us the "stink eye." It wasn't to the point of hostility, but you can tell that a lot of locals were saying to themselves, "Is there no escaping these tourists!?" And I do want to point out that this never happens in Cairo. In Cairo, foreigners are so much a part of the city that they don't even give you a second look. I take that back, they give you a second look, but it's only because we might as well be wearing a giant money symbol on our back. And I don't say that with any blame at all. Because after watching this video, you can see how great we have it in America. We do have all the money in the world compared to a huge percent of the Egyptian population. But we do bring a lot of money to this marketplace and many of you will be receiving souvenirs from here.

The Bedouin can be compared to the Native Americans in America. Most of them still live within a tribal system and don't necessarily associate themselves with national politics. They prefer to keep their ancient system of rules and traditions. The Egyptian government will take land away from the Bedouin to make way for new settlements, go back on their promises, and then the Bedouin will retaliate with small acts of violence (Sound Familiar history fans).
Sorry about the bouncing video. I had to walk with the camera by my side because the locals get a little irritated when you video tape them. Rightfully so, I'd be annoyed to if someone came to my town with a police escort, sirens blaring and started filming me shopping.

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